Let’s Dish

I already knew I loved my Norwex Dish Cloth because of its ability to quickly wash whatever dishes don’t get sent through the dishwasher. It’s netted makeup allows the soap and food particles to easily rinse out of the cloth, keeping it clean and ready for the next use. And if the $6 price tag isn’t gorgeous enough, I actually cut my cloth in half so will get twice as much use out of my one purchase. I find the smaller size is all I need and easier to work with anyway.

This past weekend Isaiah and I jumped into our first attempt at making homemade bread after an expert bread baking friend of ours gave us a personal lesson (thanks, Bonnie!). We were admittedly skeptical that it would be as easy as Bonnie made it look, but are proud to announce that we did it without many issues! Here’s a look at our golden loaf of tomato basil bread.

Maybe not a blue-ribbon-winner quite yet, but still tasty! Anyway, back to the point. After kneading the dough, our counter was left covered in flour. Instead of using the Kitchen Cloth that I normally use to wipe down the countertops, I put the Dish Cloth to the test. I was able to scoop up the flour from the counter…

…and easily rinse the flour out under running water. Because of the holes in the netting, a sticky mess of dough didn’t form inside my cloth like a normal dish rag! It also eliminated the wet dough that can stubbornly stick to counters without much elbow grease at all.

This Dish Cloth was already great in my book, but it’s exciting to mark down even more benefits to secure its place in my life!

Psst– If you own one of the netted Dish Cloths, a great way to keep it sparkly white is to throw it in the laundry or wash it on the top rack of your dishwasher. Works like a charm!

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